She Flows
She Flows
Tools for the Living or the Devil's Playground?
Raise your hand if you've heard crystals, card readings, and psychedelics were tools of the devil? I sure have! Religion and society does a great job at demonizing things without providing the full context, in turn leaving us feeling scared to dibble dabble in things that could actually really help us in this journey of life. Let's dive in to what these tools really mean and the value that they can bring to our lives.
As always, I encourage you to go out and do your own research, speak with spiritualist who practice many of these tools on a daily basis so you can gain your own perspectives and make educated decisions if you do choose to utilize any of the tools mentioned.
Follow me on Instagram @sheflowsjourney
--Shout out to Music by CeeaDidIt from Pixabay for intro/outro music
Follow me on Instagram @sheflowsjourney
~Shout out to Music by CeeaDidIt from Pixabay for intro/outro music